As I observed Aminah playing, I noticed something. No one toy kept her interest for too long. She picks up a toy, shakes it rattles it, pokes it, and within two minutes she's on to something else. This isn't too out of the ordinary, I don't expect her to focus on one task for too long. I noticed most of her toys are battery operated. This got me thinking.
I don't want Aminah to grow up expecting everything she picks up to entertain her with flashing lights and mechanical voices. I want her toys to inspire her to think and create.
I don't usually buy her toys that are electronic, however for her birthday that's the majority of the presents she received. Aminah loves to grab and use her tiny chubby little fingers to manipulate her environment. And so I shall oblige. I will start by getting her wooden toys and help her play with her stacking cups.
I eventually need to create a designated okay space for her. Her childhood is so important to me. I want her to be a child I want her to play, imagine, create and get messy :).
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