Friday, February 6, 2015

Good health in spite of your doctor/relatives

My dear Aminah, 
I am growing more confident as a mother and a healer each day. 
You were born with a cradle scalp that has had your scalp looking extremely dry and scaly. It looks painful and itchy. It only looks that way. I know it doesn't itch you because you don't scratch it. I've been applying coconut oil, a shea butter mixture, and jojoba oil. 
Your daddy suggested it might be fungal but I disagreed. 
Upon further research I discovered that yes, it might be fungal. So I started to treat it as so. 
I finally found what works for your precious scalp my dear baby. 

Cradle scalp remedy

2-3 drops oil of oregano (anti-fungal) 
3 Tbsp coconut oil
Mild baby shampoo of choice. ( I used burts bees, however I prefer Dr. Bronner's because they are fragrance and dye free) 
Mix and lather baby's scalp. 
Using baby's brush gently brush away dry patches and scales. 
Rinse and leave scalp a tiny bit damp. 
Apply moisturizer such as coconut oil Shea butter, jojoba oil or any other oil. 

If I would have gone directly to the doctor I would have missed an opportunity to really learn how to care for you. He would have prescribed me some over the counter anti fungal cream filled with additives. Although I kept your scalp moisturized with coconut oil it just wasn't enough which prompted me to do further research. 
I'm proud to call you my baby and so thankful you chose me to be your mommy. 
Your mommy. 

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